Faculty Member Highlight

Ana Solorio

About Ana


Academic Director

Ana graduated from Washington University in St. Louis where her interest in the field of education began. She has a strong interest in STEM education and in the integration of music and other enriching opportunities that give students a passion for learning, a well-rounded experience, and a drive for excellence. Ana started her career in engineering and business, while serving on the Boards of Directors of several education organizations, before becoming a science and math teacher in San Francisco. She then gained experience in school leadership roles at an East Bay charter school. Ana is ecstatic to serve as Academic Director of Pacific Boychoir Academy and to use her skill sets and interests to help students and the organization reach their goals. 

Ana enjoys collaborating with PBA faculty in the areas of curriculum, music and academic program integration, social emotional learning, and school culture to positively impact student success and experience at PBA. Together with our academic and music faculty, PBA families, and our Bay Area community, she strives each day to excel in all things she does, to be a leader in the mission to strengthen our organization and culture for what it means to be ‘best for boys,’ and help nurture dozens of students’ lives throughout the elementary, middle, high school years and beyond.

When she is not at PBA, you can find Ana learning something new while reading a book or watching a documentary, playing soccer, planning a scuba diving trip, and spending time with her family and friends.

Want to know more about Pacific Boychoir Academy?

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